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Current Skincare Routine


I’ve gone completely back to basics with my skincare so I thought I would do a post about it now so that I can show you how I incorporate things into it/change it/make it more advanced in future!

Truthfully I went back to basics because I kept forgetting to or not bothering to do it sometimes and I think it’s because I made it too advanced and complicated for myself from early on..I had 6 stages in my skincare routine…6!!! I’ve taken it back down to a simple 3 step cleanse, tone and moisturise just to get myself into the routine of doing it and when it’s a habit I can add an extra step!

I seem to be like that with a lot of things, decide I’m going to start doing something and I jump in head first! Can’t seem to begin with one foot first. ANYWAY, no more blabbing, here is my current skincare routine!


For the longest time I have been using