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Current Skincare Routine


I’ve gone completely back to basics with my skincare so I thought I would do a post about it now so that I can show you how I incorporate things into it/change it/make it more advanced in future!

Truthfully I went back to basics because I kept forgetting to or not bothering to do it sometimes and I think it’s because I made it too advanced and complicated for myself from early on..I had 6 stages in my skincare routine…6!!! I’ve taken it back down to a simple 3 step cleanse, tone and moisturise just to get myself into the routine of doing it and when it’s a habit I can add an extra step!

I seem to be like that with a lot of things, decide I’m going to start doing something and I jump in head first! Can’t seem to begin with one foot first. ANYWAY, no more blabbing, here is my current skincare routine!


For the longest time I have been using the Vitamin E Cream Cleanser.…this! It’s amazing, it’s (as it says) creamy, it’s soft, it smells like baby lotion and it works! It makes my skin feel amazing and it’s suitable for all skin types, winner! This product is also always included in my special offers so don’t ever pay full price for this cause I can get it much cheaper for you! What I do with this product is get a grape sized amount and get it onto my fingertips. I then pop it in blobs all over my face and rub in to dry skin to cleanse. I then wet a face cloth/flannel and wipe it all off and my skin always feels so lovely and clean after doing this!



My ‘go to’ for ages was the Vitamin E Hydrating Toner. I LOVED IT! It was as it said, so hydrating and wasn’t super watery. The best way I can describe it is a thicker water. It really hydrated my skin, made it feel clean and plump! I now use the British Rose Expert Gel Toner and I’ve fallen in love with it. It’s a gel, you only need the tiniest amount and it goes really far! I can use a chickpea sized amount and my whole face will be done so the bottle is going to last for ages! It also contains real British Rose Petals! It’s really gentle on your face and just makes it feel incredible!



My daily morning moisturiser is the Drops of Light Day Cream. I haven’t been using this for very long but i really like it! I get redness on my cheeks and no joke, the minute I put this on my face I can instantly see the difference. The actual only way i can really describe it would be that it brightens up my face and it looks lighter! It’s amazing when you can see a product working immediately because that’s quite rare! (Available in my special offers)

My nightly moisturiser is my holy grail! The Oils of Life Intensely Revitalising Sleeping Cream. This stuff is magical, fact. It cleared up my dry patches on my face that foundation used to stick to and gets rid of these weird bumps i get. It’s amazing stuff and I don’t think you will ever hear about me ever using any other night cream other than to test out as I love this too much!



Thank you! Don’t forget!

So that’s it for my skincare routine, sometimes you just need to take things back to basics and take all the complicated stuff out! This will help my skin much more than forgetting to do it sometimes!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and seeing what I use, I would love to hear about your skincare routine and the products you use/love! If I can help you out with anything skincare wise please do ask away, I’m more than happy to help!

Don’t forget if you’re in the UK I have a group you can join for advice, tips, samples here

Thank you for reading!

Heidi x

The Body Shop at Home with Heidi


By Heidi

Body Shopping, Blogging, Youtubing Mother of One just trying her best!

This blog will be reviews and Body Shop but will also contain elements of my life & my experiences

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